true value

You Are Very Bright

God said:

Live up to My image of you, for My image of you is Truth.

You have no choice, beloveds, or rather your choice is to be truthful or your choice is to be unfulfilled.

A Child of Mine cannot be what you tend to think he is, or that you think you are. You could not be more mistaken.

I hold fast to the Truth of you. You were made in My image, not as a picture of Me, not as imagination, but as the Truth of Me. This is not a colored-in image of you. You are a pure reflection of Me. Not imitation. Not exaggeration. There are no broken lines.

All-Encompassing Love

God said:

Love is energy, and money is a representation of energy.

A pile of a thousand-dollar bills in the middle of a room is a pile of paper until the consciousness of Human Beings enters the room. You think money is a cut-and-dried matter, but it is not at all. The energy of money seems high when you attribute your dreams to it. Money has the value you set on it.

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