Talk to God

God said:

My relationship with you is one-to-one. That means you address Me directly. Our hearts engage. My words engage you. Your talking to Me engages Me.

Of course, Our communication is one fell swoop. We are not separate characters, although it seems so to you.

In any case, do not be afraid to speak to Me. You may not directly hear Me, but I will hear you. And you will hear something of what you say.

When you talk to Me, it is not like talking to any other. It is so personal, so intimate, so bare-boned. You don't pretend with Me. You don't attempt pretense. You use simple speech. You may not know what you are going to say until you say it. You may find depths in yourself that you had no idea of.

How you speak to Me makes a difference with you. You have to say what you have to say. I know what you are going to say, but you are the one who has to say it. No one can speak for you. No one can translate your words to Me. Your heart has to speak to Mine. The importance is in your speaking to Me from your heart. Not a formula. Not a rote. Your heart's speaking to Me is an act of surrender.

How hard that is for some of My children. You really think you have something to surrender. We are not at war, you and I. When you think you are really surrendering something to Me, you have then been holding sway with Me. You thought you were in competition with Me.

When you kneel your heart before Me with the thought that there is something you are actually giving up, then you had been thinking that you had to control. You thought that control kept you safe. Control is your attempt at competition with Me. Control is your fighting ahead of time. You are loath to give up your fantasy of control because you think control is your strength. Control is your illusion.

I am your strength. I have been your strength all along. You have no other.

Tension is not strength. It is tension. It is holding tight.

With Me, you have to let go. You have to let go of your superstition. You have to let go of your fears. Yes, you are even afraid to let go of your fears, as though, if you do not keep your fears prisoner in your mind, they will unleash their swords, as though your keeping them in mind keeps them at bay. But that is where fears reign — in your mind -- and when fears are entrenched there, they have already won. If you are watching your fears constantly, you are in their thrall.

Abandon fear. Abandon control. Abandon them, and you stand before Me with great strength. My Beautiful Creation stands before Me in the glory of My light. You bare your heart before me, and it is beautiful. It is good.

I have long awaited your standing before Me. You came as a kneeler, but soon you find you are standing taller than ever before, because in giving yourself over to Me, you grow in My light, and you grow to My height.

You thought it was great ego to stand before Me. But it is your great Oneness that stands before Me. It is your Heart melting in Oneness that stands before Me, and We are One Indissoluble Love meeting Itself, always meeting Itself as if for the first time, when all the while there is no first, and there is no last, for We meet all the time, whether you know it or not.