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Some Lessons Learned From the Angels

1. Live in integrity.
The angels said to me, "Spend your time doing activities that match your highest intentions. Let go of things that your intuition prompts you to surrender. Those things may then either become healed so that you enjoy them, or else the activity will easily drop away."

The angels urged me to trust my heart. They assured me that I would be safe to turn down work that didn't match my true interests. I quickly found that the angels were right!

2. There is only now.
"You are complete and whole now. Don't cast your eyes on what tomorrow may bring — this implies you are imperfect or lacking now, and that you will be whole when something external comes into your life in the future."

When the angels said this, I realized that I had been living for the future. My focus was on what tomorrow would bring me, instead of my present blessings. I now make a mental "gratitude list" each night.

3. All conflict is inside your mind.
"Any conflict you see or experience in the outside world is a projection of your ego. In truth, the world is completely at peace and you project your fear of peace onto the world. You don't want to resolve your inner conflict, but you do want to get it away from yourself. So, you project it onto other people and think that 'they' are the ones who are causing you discomfort. Other people are neutral, blank slates and you color them with your own meaning and definitions. Then, you react to them as if these colorations and definitions were real. Other people, in turn, treat you in the way that you expect, in a self-fulfilling prophecy."

As the angels explained this, I realized how often I had allowed fear to create miserable times for me. But always, I had the power to choose the thoughts and feelings I ascribed to all situations.

4. Judge not.
"You judge others as a way of protecting yourself, to keep them away from you so you won't get close to them and get hurt. But we have told you that you don't need to think about your safety. You are safe, and an overwhelming thought pattern of concern about your safety can bring the very thing you fear into your life."

The angels explained that we draw to us whatever we think about. If I obsessively think about physical or emotional danger, I create a climate in which my worst fears come true. With practice, I began noticing the moment when I'd judge other people. I began releasing my fears to the angels, and felt my judgmental habits gradually disappear.

With Love and Light.


Dearest Lightworker, many

Dearest Lightworker,

many thanks for the many beautiful prayers and postings "Inspiration" you did send !
Further to being a wonderful Lightworker I'd really love to know your name :-))

Love and blessings

Beloved Berit, I am

Beloved Berit,

I am Elisabeth. Thank you so much for your beautiful words. I feel so honored to share with you all amazing Beings of Light.

With Love and Light.
