Say Yes to the Universe

God said:

Be in the habit of saying Yes. The beginning sound of Yes is like a cheer. It elates the person who hears it, and it eases you. To say No takes more energy. No is stiffer, and is a stumbling block. This does not mean to never say No. It means to consider Yes, and to easily let it fall from your lips. No is often automatic. It is your defense system. Let No be your choice, not a habit.

Use the word No in moderation.

Say Yes to Yes. Favor Yes. Say Certainly. Glad to. Of course. Right away. Absolutely. See the energy you muster. See the coherence that lines up with the simple word Yes. Do not think that No is always wiser than Yes.

When you say Yes, you are open. When you say No, no matter how gently, you have closed a door. When you say No loudly, you have slammed a door. Yes is more like an easy swinging door.

The purpose of Yes is not to please another and put their heart over yours, for Yes is not meant to be a sacrifice.

The greater purpose of Yes is to move you forward. When you say Yes, you have a running start. When you say Yes more often, you are agreeing with the universe more often, and you exalt and emulate Me. Yes is such a greeter. Yes is a benediction. Try saying Yes today, and see what happens.

Say Yes to the universe. Stop shaking your head No.

Say Yes to yourself. Do not be a deterrent to yourself. Do not be a censer. Be an inviter. Be amicable with yourself. Befriend yourself.

No tends to frown. A cordial Yes is more like a bow to royalty. It is a magic wand that sparkles hearts, and you have it at your disposal.

Yes is fertilizer that makes hearts grow. Be a sower of Yes.

When you say Yes, you are learning. No is a stop sign, and it stops hearts. When possible, say Yes, and Yes, and Yes. I say Yes to you now.

No draws a line. Yes erases it. Neither equivocates.

Maybe is a hedger, a decision-delayer. But sometimes you need to delay or else you are too hasty. But, today, just be inclined to say Yes more often and see what boons you release thereby.

Practice Yes.

Welcome life. It is at your door. Let it in. Bounce for joy at life, for it is yours. I gave it to you, and yet it is yours to manifest before your very eyes. Yeses are like tokens you put in the turnstile of life, and so you get somewhere. When you say Yes in truth and in ease, you are leaving a part of the past behind. No belongs to the past. Yet, it is understood that sometimes you have to say No to Yes. But perhaps, just not so much.

Even give yourself permission to say Yes to foolishness every once in a while. You have been foolish enough unwittingly. Foolishness has its place. It is not foolish to be foolish now and then. You never know what barrier foolishness will remove nor where it will take you. It may take you out of yourself.

No is on guard. Maybe, just maybe, you don't need to be on guard so much. Joy is pursuing you. And joy is before you. Joy is on all sides of you. Be amenable to joy. Say Yes to joy. Make room for it in your heart.

Joy follows just a step behind Yes.

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