There is no loss. You think you have loss. To you, it is incontrovertible that you have loss. As you see it, you lose your youth. You lose loved ones. You may lose hope.
Nothing is lost. Inside, you are still young. The heart of you doesn’t age. Age is something you buy into. In the extant world, everything changes, and you count that as loss. Everything in the world is a passing fancy. It is illusion, convincing illusion, and yet illusion. How you believe in illusion. How well you are attached to it.
You talk about physical appearances. It is the temporary physical that you are attached to. You are talking about time and space which do not exist in the first place and are hardly possible to lose when they are a mirage, and, yet you are attached to time and space as if flashing time and space anchor you. In physical terms, time and space let you down. Inevitably, they let you down.
You also talk about gain. You gain pounds. You gain money. You gain happiness for a while only to lose it again because you do not know that happiness is your very Being. You are attached to will-o-the-wisps.
In truth, you have everything and nothing to gain. You believe deeply in temporary things when all you are and all you desire are already yours if you could but believe, but, of course, you believe seeing is believing. Seeing misleads you. Belief is a perception as well. Truth is something else. Believe in Truth, beloveds. Believe in your unconquerable soul. Believe in Eternity and Infinity. Believe in your Self. Know the Truth about you. The Truth is not events. The Truth is not what you did. The Truth is not what seemingly has been done to you. Truth is unchanging.
You are not all what you reduce yourself to. Yes, you have a body, yet you are not your body. Yes, you have a name, yet you are not your name. Yes, you have a mind, yet you are not your mind. You are beyond your mind. You are beyond all you perceive and conceive. Heart and mind are not really contrary. Your mind is a vehicle. It is a kind of radar. Senses the same. Your heart is in tune with Me.
In one sense, everything on Earth is a blessing, even what you call hard times, even what you call misfortune, even what you call tragedy. Being alive on Earth is a blessing, and yet you call blessing by other names. You do not persist in the realization that you are a blessing and that you bless. You call yourself a fool or a rogue or one who complains, as if these names can be the sum of you. You are vaster. You are vaster than any thought you have.
Not even your thoughts belong to you. You believe in your thoughts that are far-fetched. You hold thoughts tight. You harbor them. You haven’t scanned far enough to reach Truth. You haven’t been able to get a handle on it. You have not yet been able to be true to your Self. You haven’t known enough to be true to your Self. You have absconded from Truth. You take everything else seriously, so seriously, and Truth, well, you skim over Truth. It is not yet in your grasp.
Frankly, you may well not know what’s up. You don’t know who you are. You don’t know that you ascend. You pull yourself down and cry, “Foul.” You may well give too much credence and importance to others and to many trifling things that mean nothing, nothing at all.
You are the meaning, beloveds, and you are far more than the surface of life. You are life. You are spectacular. You are Being. I ask you to know the Truth of your Self.