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My Reply to HEAVEN #2268 You Are Free February 9, 2007

My Reply to HEAVEN #2268
You Are Free February 9, 2007

God said:

"Is it really so important that everyone agree with you about anything or everything? Even when you are absolutely right, how much does it matter? What is your vested interest that you must have agreement. Give everyone their free-wheeling space, and have yours.

"When you complain to someone, you are waiting for their agreement. Is their agreement really such a weighty thing that you would wait for it? What is it that you need confirmed? And why do you need it anyway?
Serve others, and don’t ask for much. Opinions are opinions, and that’s all they are. Here today and gone tomorrow. You may not even agree with yourself tomorrow!"

Sometimes I think it is important... at least to me and the thing I am speaking of is this: My husband and I watch very little TV together and when we do he is always saying, "Blow this guy away or put a bullet in this or that guys head and it will solve the problem" And I am always coming back with..."What is it about "violence is not the answer to any problem and 'killing" someone does not stop any problem that you do not understand? Have compassion and a little understandng for your fellowman. Besides you never know what that persons soul contract is."

It may not be those exact words but in that vein. He is a negative and I am a positive... he a glass half-empty a glass half-full individual. It makes for a very interesting relationship to say the least.

Of course I understand after he spent 22 1/2 years in the military how that has influenced his thinking. As they train our young men to kill ( he went into the Army right out of Highschool - Vietnam war vet) - without thought of the people they are killing but unfortunately they do not de-train their consciousness that violence against other human beings is not the answer and that in reality there are no enemies but yourself.

I must admit though after 22 years of marriage ( Feb 14th, 2007) I am beginning to wonder if any I say sinks in. So Yes, I do think there are times when it is important that someone agree with you.

God said:

"Opinions are opinions, and that’s all they are. Here today and gone tomorrow."

Not in 22 years.

Love & Peace,
**Read Heavenletters daily in The Light Circle Ezine


Oh, what we spiritual people have to put up with sometimes!

We change what we can change, and that's all we can do.

What bothers me the most is when I hear myself saying something negative!

You know, dear Isis, valuing the positive isn't really an opinion of yours, is it?

Thank you so much for posting here.

My Reply to HEAVEN #2268 You Are Free February 9, 2007

It's funny how many spiritual people have to deal in their daily lives with someone who is not so spiritual or is contrary to what they represent. I know something about this in my own family. But I read somewhere that we should actually honor them for this, because they are in some way holding the balance for us in this world. So I try to be grateful to my husband and son for holding the balance for me, eventhough it can get really tough sometimes.

My Reply to HEAVEN #2268 You Are Free February 9, 2007

Hi Isis
I think I know how you feel. My family often makes such statements advocating the use of violence against certain people they don't care for.
I used to waste alot of energy arguing with them and would end up feeling angry, miserable and thinking about all the violence and hatred in the world. (Finally becoming depressed myself.)
I've come to the idea that perhaps people need to go through certain stages, or ways of thinking, in their lives in order to learn certain things.
My grandfather was a soldier in WW2. He was honored as a hero because he'd killed so many of the enemy. He was very proud of this for most of his life. Then later on, he changed his views and started to see all life as sacred, even the lives of insects (he used to get upset when I would swat houseflies) Perhaps he would have never come to this understanding had he not experienced the other side?

My Reply to HEAVEN #2268 You Are Free February 9, 2007

This subject brings to mind the whole concept of the victim vs the perpetrator. In the past it use to really disturb me when one would say that one end of the spectrum was no better off than the other. To me it sounded like a callous attitude toward human suffering, I just didn't get it. I have since come to realize that oftentimes individuals take up differant roles, and play differant parts, and I can feel merciful toward each, because each is deserving of mercy. In any given situation the less judgement I feel, and the less personal it seems to me the better able I am to be compassionate. Hating a person who does harm does not lessen the level of suffering experienced in the collective consciousness. If anything it adds energy to the very thing we wish to see abolished. We as a civilization must grow and change and let go of those things which no longer serve our highest greatest good and only encouragement, and persevereance can bring about radical change. I for one refuse to place one iota of energy into something that deminishes. Encourage change, promote healing and wholeness, yes I am for those things, but I will not focus my intent or my energies on anything that does not serve the highest greatest good that I can make manifest at any given time. namaste, Jo

re:Choice and purpose.

I glitched the previous response, so i will paraphrase, hopefully convey the initial impressions nad lessons.

This is so interesting, how these concepts of 'victim' adn our birth families, spouses etc. happen and how we always have 'choices' available to us.

Isis's letter touched me.
Yet, even contracts can be re-negotiated and there are truly an infinite number of possibilities and paths we can take in Life.

we always have 'choice'.
We always have an infinite number of choices available to us.
There is always support!

Depression is such an individualized thing...and in term sof the collective consciousness, that in and of itself can be problematic.
There are nuances, differences nad individual paths within this greater schema, and oftentimes these 'collective cleaves' can lead to dis-enfrancisement, or disembodiment of what a person's tru epurpose is.
Miracles and dis-spelling can occur in such temporal modes of time that are extremely 'quick', even instantaneous.
..and sometime sthat means being connected with a non-collective thought, or imposed reality and being more intune and connected to the infintismal aspects of God and Love cosciousness.
spiritual does not mean sufferance, marterdom etc.
we do choose and we can always create higher ground!!

Anyways, the discourse is so interesting and even the idea of 'victim' is about path. Jusice issues, or saviour issues arise and they can be dealt with in a myriad of ways.

LOVE is the most powerrful force.

We also ahev a right an dpower to say "NO"!!

Anyways, I am glad that I wa sable to read such a gammet of perceptions ,experiences and responses.

It brings me so much more clarity and certitude within myself.



La Dolce Vita.


re:Choice and purpose.

I glitched the previous response, so i will paraphrase, hopefully convey the initial impressions nad lessons.

This is so interesting, how these concepts of 'victim' adn our birth families, spouses etc. happen and how we always have 'choices' available to us.

Isis's letter touched me.
Yet, even contracts can be re-negotiated and there are truly an infinite number of possibilities and paths we can take in Life.

we always have 'choice'.
We always have an infinite number of choices available to us.
There is always support!

Depression is such an individualized thing...and in term sof the collective consciousness, that in and of itself can be problematic.
There are nuances, differences nad individual paths within this greater schema, and oftentimes these 'collective cleaves' can lead to dis-enfrancisement, or disembodiment of what a person's tru epurpose is.
Miracles and dis-spelling can occur in such temporal modes of time that are extremely 'quick', even instantaneous.
..and sometime sthat means being connected with a non-collective thought, or imposed reality and being more intune and connected to the infintismal aspects of God and Love cosciousness.
spiritual does not mean sufferance, marterdom etc.
we do choose and we can always create higher ground!!

Anyways, the discourse is so interesting and even the idea of 'victim' is about path. Jusice issues, or saviour issues arise and they can be dealt with in a myriad of ways.

LOVE is the most powerrful force.

We also ahev a right an dpower to say "NO"!!

Anyways, I am glad that I wa sable to read such a gammet of perceptions ,experiences and responses.

It brings me so much more clarity and certitude within myself.



La Dolce Vita.


My Reply to HEAVEN #2268 You Are Free February 9, 2007

Yes, choices. How fine to think we have choices!

You are truly empowered, Empowered. :)

Reply to the replies

HORRAY! My article did just exactly what it was meant it to do... get people thinking.

First let me say I am not now nor have I ever see myself as a victim. For in reality there are none.

My husband watched The Secret with me and funny how all I had said about the Law of Attraction didn't connect till he saw that movie. LOL Who knows why. I am only so happy it did. He is a wonderful man in so many ways. Now his consciousness has also been enlightened.

Thanks to all of you who commented on my article.


Dear Isis,

I don't know people anywhere who have such big hearts and thinking as the people in this forum. I have to tell you that every comment posted makes me think.

God bless us all.


Dear Isis,

I don't know people anywhere who have such big hearts and thinking as the people in this forum. I have to tell you that every comment posted makes me think.

God bless us all.

Dear Isis

Dearest Isis,

I feel for you and the positive/negative aspect of your relationship with your husband. I, too, have had such relationships and I want to share with you how I transformed them...because we are in control, even when it seems there is nothing we can do.

Start focusing on the positive aspects of your husband. This may not be easy at first...but keep looking, they're there! Does he take the trash out? Does he ever make you laugh? Start to keep a list of the positive aspects of your husband. Focus on those and only those. Each time he says something negative, instead of saying to yourself "yes, here we go again", instead, let him be who he is and focus on a part of him you love.

This sounds like a simple, yet not easy, exercise...but it creates miracles. Keep yourself happy and in tune, and let your husband be your husband. If you remain happy, either your husband will begin to reflect that positive side of you that YOU are now expressing (because focusing on his negativity is in fact....negativity in it's own right!) or he will not remain in your experience.

Lots of love and light to you on your chosen path!!!

Love Love Love,