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Holy Fire Ritual in 2007-Pls send your E-Prayers

Sacred Fire Ceremony

Over a period of 19 days 1500 Brahmin Priests will Chant Ancient Prayers in Dedication for a shift to higher spiritual consciousness in humanity and for our world.

A specially performed Yagya(Fire Ritual) not only produces extremely auspicious results and spiritual benefits but also makes us the medium of world peace and well being by enhancing humane feelings and spiritual wisdom in all of us.

The chanting of mantras (prescribed prayers) while performing the yagya is expected to ensure fulfillment of specific intentions. The significance of Yagya has been recognized since ancient times. These practices have continued over time only because they were proven to be authentic and effective. Yagya is a very specific and scientific process. Everyone is welcome to participate regardless of religion, tradition, or belief. This
prayer is for every living being to return to their heart and therefore brilliant intelligence.

Though this Sacred Fire Ceremony is offered by the Sacha Ashram in India and by Vedic Brahmins, this prayer is for all and has no religious or traditional bias or requirement for you to participate

By yourself or gather in a group of people for prayer supporting the request of the Sacred Fire Ceremony any time between January 15, 2007 and February 2, 2007. The beginning day and ending day would be ideal. Also any time between these dates would be wonderful as well.

yagya [at] shantimayi [dot] com

Write a concise prayer for the awakening of humanity and send it to the e address above ...we will copy the prayer with your name and location and offer it to the sacred fire at the end of the ceremony.