Like Music

God said:

Although life as lived in the world is made of discoveries, questions and answers don't take you very far. They become a loop. Not that there is anything untoward in asking questions and finding answers. Having to is what is untoward. Having to get answers is what is untoward.

You have a great leaning towards questions and answers, and that is your intellect at play, nosing around for information and conclusions.

The thing is: life is meant for the living of it, not questioning, not solving. Before you feel you have to solve something, you must think there is a problem.

What if there are no problems? Thinking there are problems is a problem, don't you think?

Problems are the windmills you fight. When you see a problem, you think there is something you have to do to counteract it. Maybe what you have to do is laugh, or smile, or say Boo.

Life is like a taffy pull. You keep pulling until it breaks off. And then you grab another piece to pull. What is so hard about that? And, you can, of course, nibble on it along the way, why not?

Life is handed to you at every moment. You are given life to spend as you choose. It is your allowance. It is a generous one.

Perhaps your allowance isn't in the coinage you would prefer. Nevertheless, it is yours to spend. Don't be a miser with it. Don't not go places with it. Spend it to your heart's content. Lavish yourself with it.

It is you that you discover in life. You are finding out more about yourself all the time. I am not talking about those surface things. I am talking about intimate knowledge with the heart of yourself.

In life, you take walks with yourself. That is about the extent of it. You talk to yourself. You tell yourself things. You exclaim. You declaim. You are the teller and you are the listener. You argue with yourself back and forth.

You climb a mountain of yourself. You swim in the sea of yourself. And it is you who comes out of the sea and it is you who reaches the mountain top, and it is you who yodels, and you who hears the yodel.

What a fantasy this life is! And how fantastic it is! I would wish you to know that. Often you think of life as a hardship. Better to think of it as an ocean liner, a smooth ship you sail on. You are not without means.

All the means and meaning are contained within you. You do not need to know what they are. You just need to use them. Leap.

When you are at great heights, you are told not to look down. I tell you always to look up and you will be at a great height.

Wherever you are, I tell you to look up. There is really nowhere else to look. You were created to look up. Looking up gets all your cells in place. Looking up is a gesture you make to life.

You think that life pulls you down, but up or down is up to you. What you make of life is up to you.

But why make so much of it? Why apportion life so neatly? Why not just live it, come what may? What may come is the fulfillment of all your dreams. That is the come what may. You have had enough of frustration, delays, and accounting. Now try living.

Enter the stream of life. Swim in it. Make it joy. You do not have to steal joy. Joy is meant to be yours. It is yours for the asking.

There, I have answered a question. Your question was: "God, what am I here for really? When all is said and done, what am I doing here, and what am I supposed to be doing?"

The answer is to make joy, for yourself and for others. If there be duty, your duty is joy.

There is no other question to life, and there is no other answer.

You are the maker of joy.

I have chosen you to amplify joy.

I have told you to wrest joy everywhere and to leave it in your wake.

Like music, hum joy. Hum joy.

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3 Heavenletter Haikus for

3 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said to wrest joy
It is there for the asking
Now try living it

God said your question
"What am I here for really?"
The answer "Make joy."

God said to hum joy
For yourself and for others
There be your duty

Love, Light and Aloha! and laugh and love!

You think that life pulls you down, but up or down is up to you. What you make of life is up to you.

But why make so much of it? Why apportion life so neatly? Why not just live it, come what may? What may come is the fulfillment of all your dreams. That is the come what may. You have had enough of frustration, delays, and accounting. Now try living.

Yes...Live as if you have never lived before....just live...and laugh...and love. Loving you! jim and jimi.