Like Dolphins

God said:

Petty thoughts glue you to earth. Vast thoughts free you to Heaven.

Perhaps that is all I have to say today.

I could elaborate and say that petty thoughts are like mites or dust particles, and vast thoughts are like dolphins that swim through the ocean waters.

What a troublemaker the mind is! It sews needless stitches around and around.

Let your random thoughts be like stars. Let them come out, but then blink and be gone the next day before the sun rises.

Or let your small thoughts be like moths that go too near the flame and burn themselves up.

When you stop having small thoughts, grand ones are left.

It may be that small pesky thoughts come to you unbidden, but you can shoo them away. You sure don't have to keep them. There are other thoughts you can think. Unlike money, small thoughts amassed do not become fortunes. They remain small thoughts amassed.

Let the love I hold for you well up inside you. Love will clear your thoughts. Non-productive thoughts and My love (all love is Mine) cannot exist in the same breath. Waves of thoughts about Me fill your mind with a translucency that outshines all other thoughts.

Isn't it amazing how My children can have little thoughts that dwarf their awareness of My presence?

You could consider your wayward thoughts like smog. But your say over your thoughts is great.

When it comes to Me, be aware of the love you absorb. There is not a cell in your body where I am not. You would not superimpose something else over Me, would you? And yet small thoughts overlap love and often disallow it.

Instead of thinking so much, substitute love. Put away your clever thoughts. Put away your sense of righteousness. All of your multitudinous thoughts are no substitute for one drop of love. Thoughts are just fillers. The way to fill your mind with love is to empty it of all that is not. Bail out your small thoughts like water from a boat.

Let love rise in your mind. Let love occupy your mind. If you took all worry and fears from your mind, love would be left. Instead of thoughts, you would have awareness. Let your mind get out of the way of love.

Rather than criticism, let your love pounce. Instead of feeling aggravation, irritation, annoyance, perplexity, insecurity, feel love. You can do anything. You can do My blessings on earth. What would prevent you, and why would you let it?

From this day forward, let your love fall like snow upon a barren ground. Let the whiteness of your love cover the earth and transform it to its rightful beauty. Unlike snow, love is not melted. Love is the melter, and it melts whatever is less than itself. It melts barriers to the discovery that only love is and love is all that matters. Nothing else does.

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You can do My blessings on earth..

When it comes to Me, be aware of the love you absorb. There is not a cell in your body where I am not.
Love is the melter, and it melts whatever is less than itself. It melts barriers to the discovery that only love is and love is all that matters. Nothing else does.