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Life Has a Will of Its Own!

Dear Friends,

All of life is a miracle, is it not?

My life has been full of unexpected events that were beyond my dreams.

Here is another one:

I’m going to be having a Great Adventure. I’m going to be moving! To Argentina!

Everything will stay the same, except I will be in Argentina. Argentina, as it happens, is where daily Heavenletters have been going out from for the past year or two!

We already know that Heavenletters can be written down while I’m in Greece, Germany, or Romania, Amsterdam airport, or Montana, Nevada, California, Pennsylvania, Alaska, Iowa or wherever I happen to be. Web site and email addresses will stay the same. Wherever I go, you and my computer are coming with me.

God told me that there is nothing to it, just like going from one room to another.

All along, God has told us there is no such thing as distance. Come autumn when I relocate, if I didn’t tell you, you wouldn’t know I would have moved 5270 miles (8482 km) from Fairfield, Iowa to Capilla del Monte, Argentina!

Santhan, who is dedicated to serving God and has been doing so much for Heavenletters for three years now, will be building spiritual centers, and the first will be in Argentina. The theme of the centers will be Spirit Being Human. Santhan first mentioned this to me over a year ago. And my heart leaped up, and I had no doubt I wanted to go. From the generosity of his heart, he has offered me a place in his center.

And there’s more!

Santhan, who is such a creative thinker, is thinking of coming to the U.S., buying an inexpensive motor home, running it on bio-diesel fuel, and driving me down to Argentina! While we give Yoga and Godwriting workshops along the way, we will also get to see more of two beautiful continents in the world.

Imagine the material for the blog that this adventure will provide!

More to come.

God bless you always.

With love, Gloria

P.S. And now I'd better start learning Spanish!

This is such WONDERFUL

:thumbup: This is such WONDERFUL news!!!! :thumbup:

Gloria's future home!

Start reading the

Start reading the Heavenletters' Spanish translation, Mrs Gloria! :big

That was a great surprise for all of us but I'm certain that God is behind all this change. A higher purpose is served by Gloria's moving to South America. A higher purpose is served by all our steps in life but in this specific case, I take that a big-scale energy re-alignment is afoot. In other words, I don't see Gloria's moving to Argentina as a mere coincidence. There's no place for coincidence in a perfectly ocrhestrated Universe!

So, I make a wild guess and assume that Gloria's presence in South America is necessary for the bigger picture that we cannot exactly see right now. She will probably sustain with her great field of energy the entrance of more divine light in the area. Whatever the great plan may be, God bless her! God leads her every step!

Immense love from Greece, Mrs Gloria!
Separation is only an illusion! Wherever you are, we are always by your side loving you with all our heart!


Kirt, thanks for the map and

Kirt, thanks for the map and your good wishes. Now I have a better idea where Capilla del Monte is. What is on each side of Argentina?

Oh, Maria, you are just right. Sometime this year, I read something about left brain/right brain.
Right brain is the more intuitive heart side, and left brain is more logical and intellectual. The example this article gave was this:

If you got an urge to move to Kentucky and there is no overt reason why to, that's from the right brain. It was interesting to me that the example given was about relocating!

In my case, there are good reasons to do this as well, yet, more important, is this strong desire to do it. And, of course, through the grace of God, it is being made easy for me to do it.

Now I will tell you something else. Friday I was in Iowa City and ate at a Chinese restaurant. Of course, the meal wound up with a fortune cookie. It is uncanny what my fortune said:

"You will step on the soil of many countries."

Everyone believes in fortune cookies, don't they?

As for your beautiful words, Maria, well, I love them, of course! Yet I believe that it is Argentina that is going to bless me.

You can find more comments on this Great Adventure here:

With love and blessings,


Gloria, Here's another


Here's another picture from Google Earth to give a better perspective. You should download the free version of Google Earth and enter your destination. As you zoom in there are a bunch of photos showing the environment you'll be in and around. There are some gorgeous scenic shots. You'll have wonderful mountain vistas and lake getaways not too far from home.

Exciting times!

Another view of Gloria's new home.

Oh Gloria! Good/God for you!

Oh Gloria!

Good/God for you! So you're traveling/moving to another continent to spread God's Love Letters from a place called "Capilla del Monte"? Does "Capilla del Monte" mean "Chapel on the Mountain"? I'm thrilled for you! And I look forward to reading about your grand adventure!

Have Fun!

Love ya,


Nice catch Karen ... that

Nice catch Karen ... that translation sounds correct!

Dear Gloria I am so happy

Dear Gloria

I am so happy for all the wonderful paths that God is paving for you beloved! I do know that He will take a good care of you but never the less I do ask Hin to make it easy and smooth and pray that you will be filled with great joy and fullfilment. Before you move to South America I hope you can come to our July conference here in Israel- 7.7.07 on bringing all religions into harmony: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Sufism, the Druze and Kabbalah faith

For the program visit our Webe-site
under the section פעילויות The program in Hebrew will be followed with the program in English.
See you in Israel and have a safe trip as we say in Hebrew
צאי בשלום ובואי בשלום

Love Naomi Babad
Chairperson of the Rose of Galilee Movment