Let Life Be a Clear Meadow

God said:

You make many excuses for yourself. Time is one. Space is another.

Perhaps you clutter your time and you clutter your space. You may be more comfortable without room to think and feel and see. You may feel safer being confined, for, if you cleared time and space, what would you do then? Without confusion, you might be at a loss. You might have to move forward. You might be left with a clear mind. You might have to take a look.

You may complain about too much to do, and you may also find it a safety valve, for crowdedness keeps you tethered.

Beloveds, clear your time and clear your space. Give yourself more room to grow.

Let life be a clear meadow as far as your eye can see.

Let life be a blue ocean, serene in the sun.

Let life be what you want it to be rather than masked by restrictions of time and space.

If you want to take off in life, then you must have a space clear for takeoff. And you must have a clear landing field. Clarify your life. Clarify it now.

If you keep lists, erase items from your lists as you would old clothes from your closet. Once the deed is done, you will not miss what you have given away or sent to the winds.

Set your priorities.

First joy and love. Remove whatever takes away from your joy and love. Maybe you don't really have to do all you think you do. Maybe there is an end to chores. Maybe time can be a playground. Maybe you can rearrange time more to your liking. Maybe you can walk to work. Maybe you don't have to have hustle and bustle. Or maybe you are addicted to them.

Perhaps the idea of peace frightens you. "What then?" you may ask. "If I am left without pressures and mounting obligations, what will I do? Who will I be? Where will I go? It occurs to me that I may be one of these people who is afraid of open spaces. I did not know this. Now I begin to suspect this about myself.

"I may have covered myself up so I cannot be found, so I cannot find myself. Who can find anything in all the clutter I have surrounded myself with? What do I think I must keep away from me with all this overfilled time and space? What am I afraid of finding out? Why do I scurry away from time and space by filling them up so?

"What am I collecting? And what am I not gathering?

"When did I become a possessor of time and things?

"Sometimes I have felt I want to walk away into the sunset, like at the end of a movie. I may want to go somewhere and leave my life behind, yet I do not know where I would be walking to. Instead of abandoning my life, perhaps I can make some space for it.

"My life is not acorns, and I am not a squirrel who hides them.

"If I were to make a painting, I would have much space in it so that what I paint on the canvas could be seen. I would not put on so many colors that none are clear. Why, oh, why, then, do I spatter and scatter my own life which You awarded to me for my bravery? Is not my life on Earth a medal from You? Why would I not shine it and wear it proudly rather than sticking it in an odds and ends drawer?

"Dear God, my life has become like a mine field, and I ask You for Your help in clearing it out. May Thy Will be done, and may I do it."

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afraid of open spaces

Superb! How refreshing Heavenletters are that come like a real tempest, revealing for a moment the tumbleweed nature of so many important-looking things in life.

God said:

Beloveds, clear your time and clear your space. Give yourself more room to grow.

Let life be a clear meadow as far as your eye can see.

Let life be a blue ocean, serene in the sun.

Let life be what you want it to be rather than masked by restrictions of time and space.