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I object.

I'd like to, if i might;
start from scratch,
because itch about ethic
has me so far down -
down looks up to me.

The morals I endure, because
my poor soul knows no better
way to be

Cannot be.

For real, truly; I endure,
and want to abstain,
from the pain of derision
creating delusion

And rather than conceptualize
the illusion
that my elsuive fantasies
(which i find so fantastic)
are forever mine
deny they
never will depart.

Far out!

But wait.

You'll see how joy opens her heart
when my sweet baby jane,
opens her arms to to my heart
and I take her home
to keep well and good
as she should.
for real !

I'm sure.

Yes sire.

Dear Stefan, You are a poet

Dear Stefan,

You are a poet as well as translator.

Thank you so much!

Looking forward to more from you, dear one.

With love and blessings,
