how to serve God

By What Means Does the World Revolve?

God said:

If you cannot make the entire world happy and enlivened, perhaps you can make a part of the world happy and enlivened. Perhaps you can make your part of the world sweeter. It is such a little thing for you to make someone else's day happier. Just as you go about your business and lead your everyday life, you can shine on someone else's day. Just by a few words, a smile, a sense of appreciation for life and for another's voyage through life, you can lift the hearts of many.

What It Means to Serve

God said:

From what do you flee? Knowledge of yourself? Is that why you run around so much and involve yourself so much in others' lives? What are you afraid of finding out? Are you afraid to find out that you are a Holy Being established in Truth? Or that you are not the blessedness I attest that you are? What do you run away from?

You may complain about the rat race, yet you are not confined to it. When you run around so much, there is something you are running away from. When you are not at peace, you are fleeing something.

In Service to Greatness

God said:

Sometimes you quake at the bereavement of your thoughts. Sometimes you feel that all is lost. Consider that all you consider lost or losable is illusion. That is all that loss can be. You can only have the illusion of loss. You certainly have the fear of it. Fear is illusion.

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