
What Good Fortune Would You Like Today?

God said:

Beloveds, as best you can, stay away from assumptions. Assumptions are really hasty judgments. You make hasty assumptions all too often. Someone makes a remark, and you feel the remark means that the person doesn't like you. You make assumptions that something is the matter when nothing is the matter except your perception.

Naked Truth

God said:

When you talk to Me, really talk to Me, your ego walks away. That is one of the beauties of talking to Me. You are not able to load yourself up with pretense when you appear before Me.

Your subterfuges leave, and there is you, and there is I, and We restate your life. We restate your take on life.

Naked were you born, and naked will you leave. Naked here does not mean unclothed. It means true, honest, real, unpretentious. You, without all the ruffles you have put around yourself, you, in your being.

What You Were Made For

God said:

You have ideas of what Truth is or should be. You have ideas of what I should say. Your ideas are preconceived. They are not open but closed. You let in and you keep out.

When I say something that fits in with your presumption of Truth, you nod your head. When it does not, you shake your head and feel: "God doesn't have that quite right… God could do better… Gloria wasn't clear today…"

Put Assumptions Aside

God said:

Part of openness is not making assumptions. Assumptions are judgment. Be wary of what you assume. Assumption is thinking you know something when you only know a part of it, if that.

Assumptions are cryptic. They are damning.

My son Christ made no assumptions. Assumptions are limiting, and he limited no one.

You might say he made one assumption, and that was that I was with everyone, but of course that was not assumption but fact.

He did not assume that beneath the surface of illness radiated glowing health. He knew that for a fact.

Out of Judgment

God said:

Think of Me as God on Earth. Think of Me as God on Earth more than you think of Me as God in Heaven. Wherever I am is Heaven. Wherever you are is Heaven as well, if you only but knew. What if I were to tell you that the only Reality is Heaven? All else is false. All else is folly.

You were put on Earth to find Heaven. That is your simple task. Don't make it hard. Make it easy.

First, release judgment as a concept. All that you judge comes to pass in your own life. Judging is a kind of marriage. Your sneering is an invitation to that which you judge. It is as if you say:

Always Go Higher

God said:

Always go higher. In any situation that troubles you, you haven't gone high enough. It is not that you are not thinking. It is that you are thinking only one way and not another. When you are in the brambles, the thing to do is to get out. So must you with your thoughts. Sometimes your thoughts put you in a hard situation. What if the situation is not what you think it is at all? Can you not look at it differently?

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